Free your mind and watch the new you!

There are many stories behind this picture.

Last August, I received “Best Skills Award” at my Taekwondo School. I recovered from two fractures in my right foot before that picture, by a couple of months.

Before the test by few days, I fell because of my foot while training.

At that time, I felt that it was over and I told myself, “Respect our age, and quit it, that is enough.”

My Master came to me and told me, “Your strength is in your mind and in what you say to yourself. If your mind can visualize yourself doing the move, your body will do it. Your body has no choice, it must follow your mind’s orders. You, who manipulate your mind and direct it by what you say to yourself. Tell yourself that you can do it and you will do it. “

I said these advices to the kids in my speech after receiving the award in the small picture in the corner. I said, “Believe that you can. Make your mind visualize it. Your body will follow.
Three steps which easy to say, but need much practice to achieve.”

I applied these steps in the sparring part of the belt test. They gave me the award because of my unexpected kicks in the sparring part. No one knew that I had to do those unexpected kicks because of my foot pain. My foot started to turn red, hot and swollen. All my focus was to avoid balancing on the fractured parts.
Indeed the success is only from Allah.

Taekwondo to me is physical therapy. I had a problem in my knee that made me not able to walk for some times or use a stick. The doctor gave me medications. After I finished my physical therapy, he said that if I ever stopped playing sports, I would repeat that course again. He added that if I want to be able to walk then I have to walk. I remembered at that time, Prophet’s Mohamed telling us that knowledge can be achieved by learning and being tolerant can be achieved by being tolerant.

Frankly, Taekwondo is psychological therapy, too.
I had a bad depression. It was worse than any physical illness.
In Taekwondo, I kick, hit, break wood boards, scream and do the energy exercises.

First day in Taekwondo, I was so embarrassed and was telling myself that I am too old to start anything. But I found that I was the youngest in the class.

Many of my daughter’s friends’ families stayed to cheer for me on my test. Everybody was encouraging me to stay persistent. Nobody was aware of the fight I had with my culture and my thoughts.

Conclusion: You can do whatever you want under whatever circumstances.
Allah created your mind free with extraordinary powers.
You who limit your mind and imprison it. Your body consequently will follow because the body has to follow the mind’s orders and has no other choice.
Free your mind and watch the new you!

Forget the people and do what you want.
Life is short and it is only a test.
The real life is the hereafter.
So purify the intentions.

Peace be upon you

مقتطفات مسموعة لكتاب حكايات عن الحب و السفر

كتاب حكايات عن الحب و السفر للكاتبة إنجي فوده
متوفر بمكتبات ديوان و ألف بمصر و خارج مصر متوفر بموقع أمازون بنسخة ورقية أو كيندل
و البلوج:
تويتر: engyfoda